Second-hand Style

With the new season of Game of Thrones due to air this very month (!!!!) I think it is important, nay…crucial…nay… honourable to devote this blog to one of the actors on the show.

This week I will be recreating an outfit worn by Sophie Turner.



I already own the shoes in my comparison picture but have uploaded additional pictures to show that you can find these items in a charity store. The trainers on the left are priced at £6.50 and the Clarks shoes are priced at £15.00. Both these shoes were found in a local charity shop and were brand new items!

Jacket: £5.00

T-shirt: £3.00

Bag: £4.00

Sunglasses: £2.50

Belt: £2.00

Total: £16.50

The jacket was slightly too big, and I was unable to find a cropped black shirt. However, with the weather warming up, charity shops will gradually be introducing their summer stock onto their rails.

For my next blog, I am thinking of recreating styles from characters on TV. So if you’re thinking about going to a fancy dress party as Doctor Who, Phoebe Buffay or even Sansa Stark, then let me know what you’d like me to recreate and I’ll see what charity shop treasures I can find!

Thanks for reading.


Second-Hand Style

This throwaway fashion culture is on the verge of creating an environmental crisis with a majority of consumers throwing away an item within three years of buying it. In this week’s blog, I will be looking into how to adapt items in your wardrobe to create a celebrity style, with just a small bit of spending in a thrift store.

This week I will be recreating a Cara Delevingne look, which is not an outfit I would usually wear, but it is definitely comfortable and the hat is super cute!


Hat: £2

Shoes: £8

Coat: £4.50

Total= £14.50 (trousers and t-shirt I already own)

As I’m sure you’ll agree, what a fantastic price!

Any grey/charcoal tracksuit bottoms would work with this outfit and I’ve chosen one of my own t-shirts.

It’s important to not just buy items if you don’t need them, so ensure you find an outfit with textures and colours that you love to wear!




Second-hand Style

Before we know it, Christmas will soon be with us. There will be lots of festive adverts promoting the latest gadgets and designer labels.

Many consumers are eager to get their hands on the most popular toy and the trendiest outfit but the pressure of creating a perfect Christmas can often result in feeling stressed and anxious about money.

Social media sites are now more popular than ever with users able to follow their favourite celebrity in a quick tap. Take a quick scroll through Instagram and within seconds you’ll find a celebrity posing in their #outfitoftheday.

This blog will recreate these iconic outfits, but on a charity shop budget. It will also look into ways in which you can save money throughout the whole year.

When I was younger, I would enjoy visiting charity shops to sift through second-hand books and vintage vinyl. I was never too interested in looking through their clothing or accessories…until now!

Fast forward to the present day and I’m a boutique charity shop manager for a local hospice. Like every charity shop, we rely on donations and are grateful to receive high quality items.

The outfit I am going to recreate is from one of the most influential women in music and a role model for society. That person is Héloïse Letissier, from the band -Christine and The Queens


                                                                                                                                                                (Photo: Spotify)

She has a distinctive style which I find appealing and comfortable.

  • Blouse: £4
  • Necklace: £1.50
  • Jeans: £4.50
  • Belt: £2
  • Shoes: £10

Total: £22.00

So when you’re next popping into town, spend that little extra time searching in your local charity shop. Not only will you find some hidden gems at a bargain price but you’ll be supporting a crucial charity.